
“The Shadowy World of International Students”The Walrus, December, 2021. “Foreign students are lied to and exploited on every front. They’re also propping up higher education as we know it.”

“The Simpsons” – Toronto Life, July, 2020.” – Toronto Life, July, 2020. From the outside, it looked like any other Forest Hill mansion. Inside, it housed dozens of children from around the world—kids from war-torn countries, kids other people gave back, kids who had nowhere else to go. The story of the family who couldn’t stop adopting.”

“Children’s Village Forever” The Local, July, 2019. “Ontario Place designer Eric McMillan invented the ball pit, built the epicentre of kid-life for a generation of Torontonians and, for a brief moment, promised to revolutionize the way we play.”

“No Fixed Address”Toronto Life, January, 2019. “Shelters are overwhelmed, social housing is a mess, rents are exorbitant. The cost: 100 deaths a year. How a city obsessed with growth and prosperity forgot about its most vulnerable.”

“Why It’s so Hard to Actually Work in Shared Offices”The Walrus, February, 2018. “WeWork offers freelancers a chic workspace and beer on tap—but are people productive?”

“Selling China by the Sleeve Dance” Hazlitt, October 2017. “Beneath the ubiquitous posters for the Shen Yun ballet is a battle between dissidents and the state over the soul of a nation, both at home and across the diaspora.”

“How to End a Life”Toronto Life, May 2017. “A year after assisted suicide became legal, only a small number of physicians are willing to perform the procedure, and their numbers are shrinking. Taking a life is harder than they thought.”

Low Stakes Forever” Hazlitt, April 2016. An essay on nostalgia culture and a profile of my childhood hero, kids author Gordon Korman.

“If you Are What You Eat, America is Allrecipes” – Slate, May 2016. “The nation’s most popular recipe site reveals the enormous gap between foodie culture and what people actually cook”

“Hockey’s Puppy Mill”Walrus Magazine, December 2015. A teenager takes the Canadian Hockey League to court for exploitative labour practices. He finds out what happens when you go up against a country’s national mythology.

“The Crowdfunded Liver” – Toronto Life, December 2015. “When the billionaire sports magnate Eugene Melnyk was diagnosed with liver failure, he crowdsourced a new organ and kick-started an alarming trend.” Republished in the Guardian Longform and Reader’s Digest.

For Kids, By Kids – But Not For Long – Hazlitt Magazine, December 2014. A fun dive into the world of YouTube. What happens when teenage YouTubers grow up? (National Magazine Award winner)

“Grow Industry: Marijuana prohibition is destined to end. Who will become the Seagrams of weed?”The Walrus (cover story), April 2013. Going out west to find grey-market entrepreneurs all desperately trying to get rich or, at the very least, stay out of jail.

“A Life Interrupted: Hassan Rasouli’s journey from an earache to a high-stakes battle over end-of-life decisions” Toronto Life, November 2012. A father goes into a hospital for a seemingly straight-forward operation. When he falls into a coma, he becomes the subject of a Supreme Court case that decides who gets to pull the plug.

“What the Elephants Know”Toronto Life, July 2010. Tracing the history of a zoo through a few of its elephants. (Best Canadian Essays, 2010)